Greek and Hellenistic Reproductions

Greek and Hellenistic Reproductions

Ancient Greece was a civilization lasting from the archaic period of the 8th century BC though the Classical age of 338 BC when the Macedonians conquered it with the Battle of Chaeronea. Classical Greece flourished during the 5th to 4th centuries BC under Athenian leadership, followed by Sparta after the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC, and finally by Thebes, until Philip of Macedon and Alexander the Great conquered them all. The rise of Macedonia is the beginning of the Hellenistic Age, a period from 338 BC to 30 BC, which ended with the death of Cleopatra VII of Egypt, the last ruler of Macedonian origin. During a period of 3 centuries the Macedonians ruled a territory from Europe to Egypt and India and built impressive cities from where they imposed their rule – Alexandria in Egypt, Antioch in Syria, Seleucia in Babylonia, and Pergamon in Anatolia. With the death of Cleopatra the entire realm will transfer over to the Roman Empire. Greek art began in the prehistoric Cycladic and Minoan civilizations. The Archaic Greek art period is usually dated from ca. 1000 BC. The Persian Wars of 480-448 BC are usually taken as the dividing line between the Archaic and the Classical Greek periods which end before the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. This year is regarded as separating the Classical Greek from the Hellenistic art. From then on scholars recognize a more sophisticated art in all aspects. Hellenistic sculpture, Hellenistic mosaics, Hellenistic paintings and metalwork still remain some of the most impressive artworks ever made. Ancient Sculpture Gallery is committed to offer you reproductions of all periods: Cycladic, Minoan, Archaic Greek, Classical Greek, and Hellenistic.