Extra Large Bust Of The God Hermes 38″. After The Museum Original “Hermes And Infant Dionysus” Created By The Great Ancient Sculptor Praxiteles. “Hermes and the infant Dionysus”. Hermes bearing the infant Dionysus, by Praxiteles, Olympia Archaeological Museum. In 1911 the Encyclopaedia Britannica noted that “Our knowledge of Praxiteles has received a great addition, and has been placed on a satisfactory basis, by the discovery at Olympia in 1877 of his statue of Hermes with the Infant Dionysus, a statue which has become famous throughout the world.” Later opinions have varied, reaching a low with the sculptor Aristide Maillol, who railed, “It’s kitsch, it’s frightful, it’s sculpted in soap from Marseille”. In 1948 Carl Blümel published it in a monograph as The Hermes of a Praxiteles, reversing his earlier (1927) opinion that it was a Roman copy, finding it not fourth century either but referring it instead to a Hellenistic sculptor, a younger Praxiteles of Pergamon. The sculpture was located where Pausanias had seen it in the late second century CE. Hermes is represented in the act of carrying the child Dionysus to the nymphs who were charged with his rearing. The uplifted right arm is missing, but the possibility that the god holds out to the child a bunch of grapes to excite his desire would reduce the subject to a genre figure, C. Waldstein noted in 1882, remarking that Hermes looks past the child, “the clearest and most manifest outward sign of inward dreaming.” The statue is today exhibited at the Olympia Archaeological Museum. Opposing arguments have been made that the statue is a copy by a Roman copyist. Since the Romans adopted much of Greek culture and art this is a possibility. Mary Wallace suggested a second-century date and a Pergamene origin on the basis of the sandal type. Other assertions have been attempted by scholars to prove the origins of the statue on the basis of the unfinished back, the appearance of the drapery, and the technique used with the drilling of the hair; however scholars cannot conclusively use any of these arguments to their advantage because exceptions exist in both Roman and Greek sculpture. Hermes (Greek, ?????, IPA: /?h?mi?z/) is the messenger of the gods in Greek mythology. An Olympian god, he is also the patron of boundaries and of the travelers who cross them, of shepherds and cowherds, of thieves and road travelers, of orators and wit, of literature and poets, of athletics, of weights and measures, of invention, of general commerce, and of the cunning of thieves and liars. His symbols include the tortoise, the rooster, the winged sandals, and the caduceus. The analogous Roman deity is Mercury.