Our ancient Greek vase reproductions are not fastly made kitsch replicas, nor are they cheaply made of substitute materials such as resin. We stick to the materials and methods used by ancient Greeks and use only top quality ceramics and paints. Every piece is a stunning work of art, an amazing replica of an actual historic vessel from a museum or other collection created between 2,800-2,000 years ago. Every piece is individually hand thrown terracotta, hand-shaped, and hand-painted in exquisite detail in Greece and signed by a professional master reproduction artist which masters the art of the ancient Greek pottery. The whole process is made by hand (like in ancient times) using only top quality row materials. We respectfully preserve the sensitivity and the dignity of ancient pieces while guaranteeing the quality and the curacy of all the pieces we reproduce. These vases are not intended for drinking or food, they are decorative artworks. To see pictures of the process of painting our ancient Greek vases please click here.Style: We offer the following types of ancient Greek vases and plates: Red Figure Vases, Black Figure Vases, White Ground Vases, Geometric Vases, Minoan Cretan Vases, Mycenaean Cycladic Vases, and Corinthian. Available ancient Greek vase shapes: Krater, Kylix, Dinos, Amphora, Lekythos, Hydria, Funeral, Loutroforos, Skyfos, Gamikos, Nestoris, Oinochoe, Juglet, Pelike, Stamnos, Pyxis, Kantharos, Fontaniera, Plate, Psykter, Bizoutieres, Arivallos, Kostida, Bomb, Olpe. Custom work: we can create a custom pottery you like from any museum picture. Contact us for a quote.