Zeus or Dios (“divine king”) is the leader of the gods and god of the sky and thunder in Greek mythology. Zeus played a huge role in the Olympic pantheon. He fathered many of the heroes and heroines (see list at bottom of article) and was featured in many of their stories. Zeus is the continuation of Dyeus, the supreme god in Indo-European religion, also continued as Vedic Dyaus Pitar (cf. Jupiter), and as Tyr in Germanic and Norse mythology. In addition to his Indo-European inheritance, the classical Zeus also derives certain iconographic traits from the cultures of the ancient Near East,. Zeus was equivalent to the Roman god Jupiter (from Jovis Pater or “Father Jove”) and associated in the syncretic classical imagination with various other deities, such as the Egyptian Ammon and the Etruscan Tinia. He (along with Dionysus) absorbed the role of the chief Phrygian god Sabazios in the syncretic deity known in Rome as Sabazius.
Made of cast stone. Cast stone is a type of gypsum cement whose properties are much different from plaster of paris which is what most sculpture shops use. Unlike plaster, which is soft, light and weak, cast stone is hard, heavy and strong. Cast stone feels like, and is heavy like a real stone would be, which can be experienced as soon you try to lift it.
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